
Frequently Asked Questions

BIT Technologies is Toronto’s most reliable IT consulting firm. We know that the most valuable asset to any business is their data. We offer multiple different IT solutions that meet various budgets which include data backup solutions and disaster recovery options to protect your business. We have implemented multiple enterprise level Disaster Recovery systems to protect businesses including offsite backups, Cloud Backups, real time disaster recovery and business continuity options. Complete Data Backup management is included in our IT Services program. Our IT support team will setup an enterprise level data backup solution including local data backup and offsite data backup (cloud backup). Proper Backup procedures will protect your business, profitability, productivity and reputation.
Technology helps you run your business. In todays world, your IT infrastructure network is the back bone of your business. Proactive management and maintenance keep your network running efficiently and securely. Our IT Services provides network management, IT technical support and IT maintenance therefore reducing IT infrastructure systems failure and downtime. Our team of IT technical support engineers proactively monitor and manage the health, performance and security of your IT network 24/7. This will ensure maximum uptime, security and stability.
BIT Technologies has been successful because we believe in delivering not only the best IT solutions but also the simplest affordable ones. We offer flexible predictable pricing based on your current business needs. We are long-term partners with our clients therefore we compliment our client business environment and future business goals. If our clients under IT services agreements add/change/remove a user, we will adjust pricing accordingly. We stand behind our monthly IT services agreement and offer our services with No Long-term Contracts.
We solve all IT technical support issues on the basis of priority. Our regular IT Services client receive advanced enterprise Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) software. Our IT support team use these tools to proactively manage and maintain your network including enterprise centrally controlled antivirus and data backup as well as IT technical support issues and IT support ticket tracking mechanism. All urgent IT technical support issues are given highest priority and our IT technical support team will solve the technical IT technical support issue immediately.
BIT Technologies has invested into state-of-the-art Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) software for all clients under our IT Services program. We manage offices worldwide for clients that run their business in multiple times zones and 24/7. Once your users submit an IT technical support ticket, the ticket will hit our technical support service board. The experienced team will “Ask for permission” to gain access to the computer and then resolve the technical issue remotely. We take every precaution to ensure that our client’s privacy is maintained and there is no system access without user approval.
Yes, we certainly do support our clients around the clock. Our IT Services clients have a professional Systems Engineer on-call in case they need us. Since BIT Technologies monitors the network 24/7/365, we identify issues in a network proactively. Depending on your IT Service contract, an “Out Of Hours” surcharge does apply, so if IT isn’t really that urgent IT’s best to wait until the next business hour to call – or just contact us and we’ll pick the job up first thing next business day.